Saturday, May 5, 2012


MOST MENTAL ILLNESSES,rise from experiences like traumas,whether accidents,sexual abuses,being expose at the horrors of wars,induce by exaggerated mind that is untrained uncap able to overcome resentment,hatred,do to experiences in life like divorce, not being accepted by family members from your own family or by your spouse family, however the reason the untrained mind keeps cultivating hate or lust,going to a variety of destructive Emotions like jealousy,anxiety,sadness,and a very superficial form of happiness where we seek pleasures to fulfill a huge feeling of loneliness, and when that is not met quickly we plunge into a feeling of sadness to the point that we become depress, and now we live in anxiety,and still our untrained mind is becoming addicted to the rise and fall of these Emotions ,and we become Maniac depressive and the mind is out of control and in the case of a trauma by situation like sexual abuse or being bitten and psychologically abuses by others,the mind keeps reliving  the moment of the attack. and the Emotions of pain and suffering that come whit it do not seized if the trauma has being induce by the atrocities of war or the abuses by others that were supposed to being your colleges but in turn took advantage of you ,discriminating,physically abusing you,powerless to do something in order to survive you kept quite,but suffer in silence years after those events in your mind still those memories are so fresh that your pain is unbearable,to the point that we are seeking release from all these pain but that more quickly action that the mind throw at us is killing our self or sometimes the mind thinks if I can only have the opportunity to encounter the person that these did to me so that I will be able to do the same to them  see what is like or the mind might think if I can only kill them all of that will be over........... now you can see how the untrained mind is in charge of your every Emotion that is why we seek to overcome all of that pain and suffering by training the mind,because the mind is recollecting all those memories is the mind that has the effect of producing all the BAD Emotions that are destroying our happiness and peace fullness,although many people turn to religious believes in many cases the different religious believes we have are the very reason why our mind is seek because the different imagery that the mind creates,sometimes the mind might be thinking of angels sometimes the mind might be thinking is the end of the world and we are worried seek thinking I was not a good human I might go to some form hell because the careless life I had,and we live in anxiety with a mind that is thinking , fear full of god and also fear full of demons and because the mind is not train we have in our minds many forms of gods and many forms of demons and even in our dreams we have nightmares that is because the untrained mind that  does not stop is wild like in undomesticated horse,and therefore we have to control our mind ,another form of induce mental illness if in our life we have consume drugs ,alcoholism,taking pills in order to get high or smoke marijuana,or cocaine or other drugs I don't know What is even out there never the less the mind is going through so many illusions,bad Emotions,painful experiences,traumatic events because the environment, related to drugs and prostitution and all of those unwanted types of life's , so you see there are many forms of sufferings in the world and even though there are people in the street homeless and some taking drugs not all come from bad circles of life in fact some are or had being very spiritual but we go back to the same original problem with the mind, at one point or the other creates unwanted Imagery and those thoughts ,confuse the person and there are Unable to control the energies and on top of that there are situations fuel with family problems,or economic problems now the mind goes in desperation and we start looking for a way out and we surround our self with the wrong friends and drugs are introduce and there you have it we have pave the road to a disastrous collisions that literally will take our lives so to AVOID THE SUFFERING WE TRAIN THE MIND..............................................................................know in order to train the mind there are Antidotes that we must create in our mind ,remember that all the suffering we are creating is created by our mind ,so the mental peace,the  harmony ,the kindness the compassion,the gratitude,the sense of purification, is also mind cultivated,so first we must recognize the predicament we put our self into so recognizing we have created a problem perhaps through stubbornness through the way we think that would be step one,after we practice for months that we we are far from perfect and our thinking is far from perfect and that we must be Little humble and our approach to everything that is basic step,basic step number two is we generate a contrition mind meaning that not only recognized our suffering but we see our minds and our actions as base for the suffering we create and so after we recognize that faults in our minds,now we create and attitude of contrition,or refraining from engaging in   activities that are bringing us suffering that including siting an lamenting what had happened to us in the pass these are not only forms of meditating but we can reflect on them throughout the day,it can take many months but ones we can generate these attitude's we will see a very good improvement in our minds because just like you opened your window in your house and do spring cleaning insight you can also do the same in your mind if you are tire of suffering.,exhausted from living bouts of depression then you truly can engage in the transformation starting the purification of your mind and  a serious and determined way know in a religious way I WOULD BE CAREFUL what I PUT IN MY MIND. because by avoiding imagery in the mind it will be easier to purified rather then create more controversy in our mind there are allot of books you can read and the first thing we do is argue with people about who's Right and that is not the AIM, the AIM is creating peace and Harmony in our mind through purifying our mind and our actions by recognizing the suffering and recognizing what is causing us the suffering or what are the causes of suffering,one our actions,mentally and physically,another our speech unceasing chatter about the life's of others,harsh speech,always condemning somebody but our self's,divisive talk, in our families at work,in the park  and everywhere and lying so the Idea is that by reflecting and meditating in our own life's we can start becoming familiar with the way we think ,act,or impulses we have in our speech perhaps but also in our actions,becoming familiar with your own mind,,,,,,your own body,,,,,,,,reconnecting with your own  (mind body connection)that is meditation" becoming familiar with "and by knowing your self you would avoid the unnecessary suffering you or better said that we create for our self's,the way to start is to keep reading because you are not just to think these way or the mind can not generate ,kindness ,or equanimity because it is not just to,what the mind is just  to is to think that it self as separate entity from others there for everything we do or say or embark is with the purpose of benefit one self,and so we lie,we cheat ,we steel,we deceive others , we are not happy if we are not manipulating others, sometimes even we spiritual books we become overbearing to others and yet we are far from knowing the truth our self but we become self absorb in our ego is not satisfied and so super Ego what we practice,and we become so attach that anything that has the remote possibility that prove us wrong,we are ready guard,to protect our super EGO and we lash out unmerciful,,,,,,,,that is why we must keep on reading these page or other books that you might think that is helping you,and as you read slowly time after time you mind will start understanding and reconnecting ,and generating the mind set of recovery ,RECOVERY FROM WHAT ,recovery from your ADDICTIONS ,recovery FROM YOUR OWN OLD SELF, recovery from THE UNCEASING SUFFERING FROM TRAUMAS AND MEMORIES,recovering from BOUTS OF DEPRESSION,recovery from your BIPOLAR IMAGERY MIND GENERATED,   and into the mind the mind of recovery you not only will find purpose and meaning in your life,you will rediscover your self and your pure mind free of faults and elaborations,you will feel like covering your self with a withe fresh satin cloth your senses will improve you will not longer be sarcastic,fearful and suspicious,instead you'll be harmonious,peaceful,open minded ,sensitive to the need of others,and naturally peaceful ,,,"FREE OF SUFFERING''.............just remember effort towards your recovery will have affect  no effort no result.

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